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Howard Gardner`s theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) evolved around the same time of the evolution `new technologies`, (Gardner, 2008). M.I. basic principle is people `know` things differently, and at this present moment there eight M.I.`s, yet that does not mean there are not more ways of knowing.
When trying to relate the technologies in this course and the use of it in education, especially technology that is unknown, I found myself stumbling along. Until the Power Point section, I have personally experienced as a student and Learning Manager in training with the use of this type of technology. Power Point is not only a great teaching tool, it is also a great learning tool -meaning students can work together to create and present a project.
Although, after considerable research on the previous technologies mentioned in this Blog, I find Power Point to be the one that attaches itself well to Gardners M.I. Theory and Kearsley and Shneidermans Engagement Theory (1998). For instance, no one person according to Gardner (2008) has the exact same learning style, which leads to diversity. Mix that diversity with the Engagement Theory of relate, create and donate. Bring it together with Power Point that can be used as a presentation, sent by email or viewed on Learning Management Systems such as Moodle and the students win.
They have been engaged and their individual learning styles are utilised in the group effort. But the most positive point I see is if it is done in an education setting and not over the Internet, then all students can participate without being ostracised for not having Internet access outside of school, yes the end product could be put online, but the creation does not necessarily require constant Internet access.
Gardner, H. (2008). M.I. after 20 years. Retrieved September 1, 2009, from
Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (2008). Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved September 1, 2009, from
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Voki`s, Avatars and Virtual Education...
After a lots of surfing I came across a Blog written by a teacher - yes I have lost the address - but she led me to a site called `The Island of Jokaydia (,2009-1)`, it is a Virtual World Education site, where Avatars exist as the alter egos of educators. The surprising part of this discovery led me to a Wiki (, 2009-2) attached to this site developed also by a teacher. A Virtual World of Education exists in cyber-space, follow the link (, 2009-3), it is a Flcikr slide show of some of this world.
How could Avatar technology be used in my Teaching Discipline areas, Hospitality and Home Economics?
My first thought was the conceptual framework of Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998), that is relate, create and donate. Imagine hospitality students collaborating in the designing of a restaurant in one of these Virtual worlds where Avatars exist, and not just imagining it, but designing it from scratch, how it will look, what they will call it, interior decorations, kitchen set ups, menus, costing on the menus the list can go on. The point is students could do this as a group without the outlay of any finance and come up a Virtual Restaurant. That actually would be the most exciting experience.
The students would be relating it to the real world, creating a restaurant that could exist in the real world using Avatar technology and then allowing the rest of the world to view what they have create and worked together to develop.
Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (2008). Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based taching and learning. Retrieved September 1, 2009, from (2009). Retrieved September 1, 2009, from
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How could Avatar technology be used in my Teaching Discipline areas, Hospitality and Home Economics?
My first thought was the conceptual framework of Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998), that is relate, create and donate. Imagine hospitality students collaborating in the designing of a restaurant in one of these Virtual worlds where Avatars exist, and not just imagining it, but designing it from scratch, how it will look, what they will call it, interior decorations, kitchen set ups, menus, costing on the menus the list can go on. The point is students could do this as a group without the outlay of any finance and come up a Virtual Restaurant. That actually would be the most exciting experience.
The students would be relating it to the real world, creating a restaurant that could exist in the real world using Avatar technology and then allowing the rest of the world to view what they have create and worked together to develop.
Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (2008). Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based taching and learning. Retrieved September 1, 2009, from (2009). Retrieved September 1, 2009, from
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I made this Voki...
So here is the Voki I created, the next posting has more information on how this type of technology could be used as a learning tool.
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Wiki`s and an Imperfect World...
Wiki`s, what are they? As I have discovered they can be many things to many people. Some use it as a means to keep in touch with family and friends, others use it for group collaborations on projects and as I have mentioned in previous postings there are those who have no idea what they are doing but still put things out there into cyberspace - is that still a common term in the digital age - just for the sake of being there!
Two weeks ago I started Placement at TAFE and finished the first day with letting the students know what we would be doing the following week. After the students left my Mentor decided to change that program, which meant to me that the students would be reviewing information that would not be relevant when we met again. During that week my E-Learning Journey led me to Wiki`s and I thought that this would be such a brilliant way of keeping in touch with students, without any personal information such as phone numbers or addresses being handed out. It could have solved my dilemma with them doing activities they did not need to do and I could have told all of them what they should be doing.
The next week I arrived at TAFE with my Wiki address, intending to give it to the students so they could check to see if there would be any changes to the program after I see them. Before I gave it out, I did ask who has access to the Internet? The answer shocked me, only two students had access at home, one could use it on a limited basis - as long as it was to do with school and no Face book, Twitter, Blogging and Wiki`s are not considered educational in that home - two students did not have home computers and the rest well lets say the answer was not positive. My idea went up in smoke and left me pondering.
The major issue I went away pondering was: what happens to those kids born in the digital native generation that do not have easy access to technologies? Do they become quasi dig natives and left by the wayside due to personal circumstances that they have no control over. After much pondering, the solution came to me, no I would not use Wiki`s in as a learning tool unless I was totally sure that no student would be disadvantaged or ostracised. Yes, I see they can be a great tool and I watched many YouTube clips on how they can be used and how great they are for student collaboration on projects and how it connects students. And in a perfect world it would be a perfect tool, but presently I would be wary of their use. Dimension 1 - Attitudes and Perceptions in Dimensions of Learning (Marzano and Pickering, 2006), entails it is an objective of Learning Managers to help ALL students feel comfortable in both the classroom and in the classroom task.
Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (2006). Dimensions of learning teacher`s manual (2nd ed.). Heatherton, VIC, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.
Two weeks ago I started Placement at TAFE and finished the first day with letting the students know what we would be doing the following week. After the students left my Mentor decided to change that program, which meant to me that the students would be reviewing information that would not be relevant when we met again. During that week my E-Learning Journey led me to Wiki`s and I thought that this would be such a brilliant way of keeping in touch with students, without any personal information such as phone numbers or addresses being handed out. It could have solved my dilemma with them doing activities they did not need to do and I could have told all of them what they should be doing.
The next week I arrived at TAFE with my Wiki address, intending to give it to the students so they could check to see if there would be any changes to the program after I see them. Before I gave it out, I did ask who has access to the Internet? The answer shocked me, only two students had access at home, one could use it on a limited basis - as long as it was to do with school and no Face book, Twitter, Blogging and Wiki`s are not considered educational in that home - two students did not have home computers and the rest well lets say the answer was not positive. My idea went up in smoke and left me pondering.
The major issue I went away pondering was: what happens to those kids born in the digital native generation that do not have easy access to technologies? Do they become quasi dig natives and left by the wayside due to personal circumstances that they have no control over. After much pondering, the solution came to me, no I would not use Wiki`s in as a learning tool unless I was totally sure that no student would be disadvantaged or ostracised. Yes, I see they can be a great tool and I watched many YouTube clips on how they can be used and how great they are for student collaboration on projects and how it connects students. And in a perfect world it would be a perfect tool, but presently I would be wary of their use. Dimension 1 - Attitudes and Perceptions in Dimensions of Learning (Marzano and Pickering, 2006), entails it is an objective of Learning Managers to help ALL students feel comfortable in both the classroom and in the classroom task.
Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (2006). Dimensions of learning teacher`s manual (2nd ed.). Heatherton, VIC, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.
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